Breakfast was amazing and I was plenty full after eating. The medication however has had a difficult effect on myself. Let’s just say I began to looking too pregnant with out having any bowl movement. Embarrassing as this is to announce this I had to run (hobble in this case) to the restroom many times.

That morning after breakfast and feeling a rush I immediately had help from Enoch to take me to to the restroom. Me and my shy self asked Enoch to please give me privacy and stand outside the door. Well it was one of my worst mistakes I could of asked for.

The toilets are quite tall and hard to even sit on at times. Well transferring off I had slipped and fell right onto my right hip then trying to catch myself with my left arm I heard a tree snapping crack come from my back.

I shrieked with pain and Enoch was there in a matter of two seconds. Feeling so much pain it was hard to have the nurses and others transfer me to a chair. Not knowing if I just broke something or done something seriously wrong they finally got me down to the examination room.

This is what we could see…

The first two pictures were taken back in 2006 after a car accident I was involved in. My back was a lot worse than this just a week ago. We will get pictures for you to see eventually.

These are what they did in the procedure. 🙂

It was a bit hard to sit me up straight because for of the fall I currently went through. So we had others holding me up while they took the scan.

Crazy how straight I look!!! It is unbelievable! Well the good news was I didn’t break anything and in fact jokingly the doctor said, “Even if she were to fall off of a two story building she would still be in tacked.” The bad news is that I did sprain the hip joint and back which then puts me about two more days behind. 🙁

Another challenge to face but excited this will be all over soon.