Now that my back is “as straight as it can ever get” (Doctors words) The muscles are still pulling in the same spots as before. So if you can imagine the strain I feel everyday especially when I overexert myself or feel the barometer pressure drop with the weather. The pain can be straining.
I was a bit nervous going to the doctor this time. Knowing how much I have been up to being back to work and well you know me. If you don’t I am the one who just can’t stop until I sadly over due it. 🙂 Well, the doctor first was pleased that the back was fussing properly and was looking great. BUT, there is always a but, there was some bad news. My heart sank instantly….. take a look at this.
New shot on left old shot on the right 
Lower Lumbar of the spine starting to curve to the left. This was only another challenge to defeat… I thought to myself. Doctor Klatt mentioned that the back is only being that way because the back is only trying to just find itself again. Doctor Klatt agreed to have me finally start therapy. Therapy will help strengthen my back muscles and stop the other muscles from overcompensating and straining the lower back from bending as you can see.
I was thrilled to get the permission to start therapy. I didn’t waist any time and I made sure I was able to start first day of the new week. Monday morning 7am back therapy began. They start with a nice heating pad and stem machine to warm up the muscles, a nice massage to help loosen the tight muscles, a few stretch exercises, and then pool time (my favorite time). The pool feels so good on my body and seems to lift most of the pressure off the back. Three times a week I am visiting the therapist and the rest I am doing floor exercises at home.
It has been two weeks since starting my first day of therapy. I was told that the first few weeks will be the worst and so far they have been right. My whole body is in lots of pain these days but I know this is just part of the path of recovery and getting myself back to my goal of dancing again.


Visited Vegas and still made sure I did my exercises. This place was amazing even if I just used their pool.  😉 
So I am again taking a day at a time and doing my daily exercises and making the best of things. There are times that I am tempted to take a day off but I know this will only slow down the process to my goal. It will be about a full year until I will be feeling “normal” again. I can’t wait for that day. Looking forward to the new life. Staying on track and staying positive.