What a week!!

Well the weather is looking better these days. Finally some sun came out and that means less pain for me. Yeah!! Good news, my flexibility is finally coming back and strength is progressing. My therapist (pretty much trainer) has been very pleased with the results and starting to make things even harder for me at the gym (bring it on). He says I am right on track.

Enoch and I at the Tulip Festival

I have such a great therapist and team working on me. Being so pleased with the results today Ian (PT) is gradually making me work harder. The other day I was asked a question I haven’t been personally asked before, “Say if someone was thinking about having this procedure done what do you think the best thing for them to do is?” I  answered, “Fitness and health would be best thing for them.”

So many and so beautiful

Our besties Scott and Dana

Everyday you need to watch what your taking in and doing. I am taking my daily vitamins (horse pills) to help strength the bone growth. This has helped tremendously and has allowed me to stay on track. It is so important to know what your body is needing. Throughout this trial I have had to learned how to listen to my body, giving it the right food, sleep, and nutrients it’s needing. Starting therapy and being about four weeks out I have seen much improvement. My back is finally gaining strength in areas I have never had it before. The muscles are starting to become even on both sides of the spine and I am feeling great.

It is so important for you to be in the best possible shape you can get in. I am restricted at times with some of the twisting. I can feel the muscle rub over a screw or the screw feeling a great amount of pressure when engaging my muscles. Often I am finding myself learning new ways to execute the work out.

I totally understand that you may feel like your not in the mood or convincing yourself that you need a trainer of partner to get going…. I have been pondering on this for a while…. I believe that we all have the power to do it ourselves. Even though it is easy to have someone order you around watching your every move. They will still give you some type of exercise or challenge to take home and do on your own. For me just knowing that my life will be even greater and easier (on the body) I am driven by the outcome. The things that I will finally be able to do.

Now don’t get me wrong any procedure will challenge your endurance and determination to get feeling better. Recently having been going to a gym pool three times a week. I have had the opportunity to hear some of the experiences others have gone or are going through. We can all relate to some of the trials and tribulations. Once people hear my story they offer apologies for complaining about their pain or comparing. Saying that I must of had it worse. Truly people, it has been so tough and one of the toughest things I have gone through; but you know, I have been in pain my whole life and I don’t know any difference. Yes the these five months I have been tested, well with pain, but I had no choice of the matter to go through this. BE STRONG and that is all you can be and do.

Riding in style…Since I couldn’t walk we got a golf cart. 🙂

I don’t think I could ever compare or think my life was harder than anyone else. We all have trials and face obstacles in our lives. It’s what we do about it and what we take out of each experience. I had a conversation with a man after he had heard about my story. How far I have come and I stated that I was very lucky and happy to be where I am today. He stopped me by saying, “You are blessed.” He went on to tell me that luck doesn’t just happen and that if you were to look up the word “LUCK” in the dictionary you would find the word “BLESSED” next to it.

I believe in this philosophy. Writing about my experiences and pondering further on the word “Blessed” I began to think of these words: joy, peace, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, and of course patience (my favorite). All of which are things you will experience when your going through such tribulations. I know that the trials we face can be blinding and uncertain at times but if we continue to remind ourselves of the outcome we will become stronger.

I may have two huge bars down my back, 15 screws, and pain that I have to deal with. I am not letting this drag me down. I am truly blessed to go through this experience. It is a constant reminder where I was, where I am going, and even more who I am becoming.

How many times have you been asked, “Would you do it again?” …….. Don’t ever look back, instead look forward to what’s to come and enjoy what life has to offer. I truly hope that you are all doing well and are feeling blessed.

Love you


We had a blast!!